PR, communication

For the most effective and consistent promotion of the client company UniqueTrade marketing agency uses the whole range of marketing communications, one of which is public relations (PR services, Public Relations).

Today PR is a powerful tool for building the reputation of the brand, company, goods, services, ideas, the degree of impact on the target audience is often superior to classical advertising.

The package of PR services of the agency for each company and brand is formed individually, includes only those PR-technologies that are necessary to solve the tasks.

Subscriber PR-service of the client company – depending on the agreed package of services may include a full PR-service, as well as the transfer of some functions to the external press service.

Mass media communications are an important part of effective PR-strategy, it allows to maintain the high interest of mass media to the company and brand, to form trust relationships, and increase their influence on target audiences.

Internet PR is a tool of PR-promotion of the company on the Internet, actively complements PR in offline mass media. It includes such tools as promotion of the company through social services and resources, through Internet media, and its website.